Saturday, November 3, 2007

Singing, singing, away my soul or how cool Songbird is

Songbird is awesome. It has a huge amount of potential, especially in the current culture. Songbird is an open-source web-based music player. First, let me detail why I think Songbird is so awesome.

It is based on Mozilla

I'm a big fan of open-source, for many reasons, but I'll also be one of the first to admit its failures. (That shall come in another blog) Now, having Songbird based on Mozilla means that its using much of the same code that makes up Thunderbird and Firefox. Thats right, it can surf web pages.

It opens a new door on interaction

However, not only can it surf web pages, if you visit a website specifically built for songbird, using the rather well-done webpage api, it adds new features! Imagine going to your favorite band's blog, and hearing the latest sample songs they've loaded!

Or, experiencing the deep interaction that the Itunes Music store uses to offer... in a webpage. Thats right, web pages now become music stores in Songbird. But thats not the coolest feature.


Yep, just like Firefox, it supports add-ons, with even more potential than those in the browser. There are many many ideas here, and I'm sure you could think of a few yourself, things that you wished YOUR music player did. I'm pretty happy with what Amarok can do, and old versions of iTunes when I'm on windows. However, when I see potential, that gets me excited. And when its immense potential? You can imagine my excitement.

Now, go download it!

This is exciting stuff, and I can't wait to see what else. My experience with songbird was pretty good. I downloaded and installed it, and then checked out a few of the samples, mainly the sample music blog, and the sample music store. Try them out in songbird, and compare it to what it looks like in your regular browser. Can iTunes do that? No!

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