Monday, November 26, 2007

Why my university rules

I've never seen funny graffiti before (except on the internet), and I had to take a picture of this, and show how it compares to regular bathroom stall graffiti.

Yes, that is a mini-debate on Karl Marx. Complete with slashdot style moderation. In a bathroom stall.

Now, contrast that to the normal bathroom stall graffiti... which I cannot show you here. I'd probably get in trouble for posting hate speech. It was that bad.


Unknown said...

"Some come here to sit and think.

I come here to shit and stink."

-- UniSA Underdale toilet cubicle, circa 1998.

And my personal favourite, next to a condom vending machine in the Arab Steed Hotel, Adelaide:

"For refund, please insert baby."

Zeroth said...

Very... uh, nice schinkel. *snickers*